Illini Cat Club show in Bloomington IL

By Illini Cat Club (other events)

2 Dates Through Mar 03, 2024

Eight shows under one roof in a new location this year - McLean Count Fairgrounds in Bloomington IL.  It’s the first time that the Illini Cat Club has hosted a show in Bloomington. The show is scheduled for March 2-3, 2024. More than 150 entries from across the U.S. are expected to compete in the eight-ring show.

Internationally-recognized all breed judges from six states will officiate and make presentations of more than 30 different breeds of cats. Spectators can expect to see the fluffy Persians, massive Maine Coons, sleek Siamese and the unusually coated Cornish Rex.  Local and Midwest exhibitors are also showing off their entries in the Household Pet competition.

Special features of the show

  • Stuffed animal contest at noon each day
  • Substantial raffle – winners need not be present to win.
  • Unusual breeds such as the Bengal, Maine Coon and Cornish Rex
  • Household pet competition

A popular feature of the show will be the Stuffed Animal contest, where local exhibitors – particularly young people – can have their stuffed buddy evaluated by an official judge for ribbons. Stuffed animals compete each day of the show at noon. No advance registration is required.

Pet Central Helps! Will be at the show with cats for adoption. Vendors will have cat-related items for sale, including cat furniture, fine art, toys and clothing.

There will be free coloring books for the kids and a selfie station with the March Madness theme.

The doors are open on Saturday from 9:00 am until 4 pm and on Sunday from 9:00 am until 4 pm. The show hall is located at 1106 Interstate Drive, Bloomington in the larger west building. 

The Cat Fanciers’ Association is the official sponsor of the show.

An admission donation of $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and children 5 years old and over. Children under five are free and there is a family four-pack of $25. A portion of the proceeds from the show will be donated to Pet Central Help, Catsnap, and other feline-oriented organizations.

For more information, contact Mary Auth at 217/840-0449 or at email [email protected]. Updated information will be on Facebook at Illini Cat Club.